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Data from the 'Dispersion and operation of subdivided populations: Black-headed Gull model' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Population spatial ecology: Larus michahellis Yellow-legged Gull and pathogens' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor mission' (SVOM): Sino-French mission whose main program is dedicated to the study of gamma-ray bursts. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO SVOM.
Data from the 'PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars mission' (PLATO): Detection of terrestrial telluric planets and exploration of their physical properties. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO PLATO.
Data from the 'Building adaptation to floods' Observing Task, part of the Flood impacts (SO-II) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Monitoring of the phyto- and zooplankton communities of the Gulf of Lion' Observing Task, part of the Marine and lagoon biodiversity (BIOMARLA) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Population ecology observatory' (ECOPOP): Individual monitoring of wild animals: physical, biological, social environment, genetic, physiological, immunological, behavioral data.. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It consists in different observing tasks: African ungulates ; Albatross ; Arctic marine ecosystems ; Black-headed Gull ; Black-legged Kittiwake ; Cape gannets ; Contact areas between striated mouse species ; Dynamics of Camargue vertebrate populations ; Ecology and sociality in chacma baboons ; Griffon Vultures ; Kestrel falcon ; Larus michahellis Yellow-legged Gull ; Mandrillus project ; Northern gannets ; Scopoli's Shearwater ; Sociable weavers ; Tits.
Local monitoring of the pollination of wild and cultivated vines (observing task of the SO POLLIMED)
Data from the 'Local monitoring of the pollination of wild and cultivated vines' Observing Task, part of the Monitoring pollination in the Mediterranean region (POLLIMED) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Movement and population dynamics of griffon vultures in response to changes in rendering practices in the Causses' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Seismic hazard' (ALEA): Acquisition, processing and provision of observations and databases used to define seismogenic sources in seismic hazard models. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of Action Transverse Sismicité Epos-France. It consists in different observing tasks: FACT ; FMHEX.