Species populations:Population structure by age/size class
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Data from the 'Forest recruitment and pastoralism' Observing Task, part of the Plant communities observatory (OCOVE) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Effect of fragmentation on the viability and development of an endemic Mediterranean species: Centaurea corymbosa' Observing Task, part of the Population evolution observatory (EVOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'In situ dynamics of populations and diversity of Brassica insularis Moris' Observing Task, part of the Population evolution observatory (EVOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Dynamics and ecology of temporary water points, and their use by animal communities in semi-arid environments' Observing Task, part of the Animal communities observatory (OCOA) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Population spatial ecology: Black-legged Kittiwake model and parasites' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Behavior and demography of african ungulates' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Reproduction, survival, cooperation and coloring of sociable weavers in semi-desert (South Africa)' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Monitoring the population dynamics and movements of Falco naumanni kestrels in the south of France' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Life history traits of birds, and population responses to global change: the case of tits' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Contact areas between striated mouse species (Rhabdomys sp.): windows on climate change and adaptation in southern Africa' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).