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Data from the 'Hydrogeophysics in drilling observatory' (FORAGE): In-situ study of subsurface dynamics using multi-parameter and multi-method drilling observations: imaging and temporal monitoring of geophysical, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical parameters.. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO H+.
Data from the 'West Africa hydrometeorology observatory' (AMMA-CATCH): Hydro-climatological observatory in West Africa (Niger, Benin): surface flows, underground resources, soil moisture, evapotranspiratory flow, meteorology, etc.. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO AMMA-CATCH.
Data of type hydrology-hydrogeology measured on La Mosson basin within the framework of the MEDYCYSS observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 23 time series on 11 station(s). The measured parameters are: Discharge (m3/s), Water level (cm), Water table depth (cm). Measurements start on 06-04-2004 and end on 15-03-2023
Data of type climatology-meteorology-atmosphere measured on La Mosson basin within the framework of the MEDYCYSS observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 12 time series on 6 station(s). The measured parameters are: Air temperature (°C), Atmospheric pressure (mbar), Precipitation amount (mm). Measurements start on 12-03-2004 and end on 07-06-2022
Data of type hydrology-hydrogeology measured on Etang de Thau et Vic basin within the framework of the MEDYCYSS observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 1 time series on 1 station(s). The measured parameters are: Discharge (m3/s). Measurements start on 14-10-2002 and end on 28-11-2005
Data of type hydrology-hydrogeology measured on Dardennes - Le Las basin within the framework of the PORT-MIOU observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 2 time series on 1 station(s). The measured parameters are: Water table elevation (m ASL). Measurements start on 19-10-2012 and end on 13-11-2023
Data of type chemistry measured on Fontaine de Vaucluse basin within the framework of the FONTAINE DE VAUCLUSE observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 152 time series on 11 station(s). The measured parameters are: Ammonium (mg/L), Antimony (Sb) (µg/L), Arsenic (As) (µg/L), Bicarbonate (mg/L), Boron (B) (µg/L), Bromine (Br) (mg/L), Cadmium (Cd) (µg/L), Calcium (Ca) - Major ion (mg/L), Chlorine (Cl) (mg/L), Chromium (Cr) (µg/L), Delta-C-13 (‰ PDB), Delta-H-2 (‰ SMOW), Delta-O-18 (‰ SMOW), Dissolved oxygen (%), Fluorine (F) (mg/L), Iron (Fe) (µg/L), Lead (Pb) (µg/L), Magnesium (Mg) - Major ion (mg/L), Manganese (Mn) (µg/L), Nickel (Ni) (µg/L), Nitrate (mg/L), Nitrite (mg/L), Phosphate (mg/L), Potassium (K) - Major ion (mg/L), Silica (SiO2) (mg/L), Sodium (Na) - Major ion (mg/L), Sulfate (mg/L), Tritium (TU), Zinc (Zn) (µg/L). Measurements start on 17-01-1981 and end on 30-08-2023
Data of type physico-chemistry measured on Nesque basin within the framework of the FONTAINE DE VAUCLUSE observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 10 time series on 2 station(s). The measured parameters are: Conductivity (µS/cm), pH (units), Total organic carbon (TOC) (mg/L), Water temperature (°C). Measurements start on 05-02-2018 and end on 18-10-2021
Data of type chemistry measured on Le Lez (Le Salat) basin within the framework of the LE BAGET (MOULIS) observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 9 time series on 1 station(s). The measured parameters are: Bicarbonate (mmol/L), Calcium (Ca) - Major ion (mmol/L), Chlorine (Cl) (mmol/L), Magnesium (Mg) - Major ion (mmol/L), Nitrate (mmol/L), Potassium (K) - Major ion (mmol/L), Silicon (Si) (mg/L), Sodium (Na) - Major ion (mmol/L), Sulfate (mmol/L). Measurements start on 06-01-2002 and end on 13-10-2009
Data of type climatology-meteorology-atmosphere measured on Le Lez (Méditerranée) basin within the framework of the MEDYCYSS observatory, that is part of the KARST observatory network. The KARST observatory network aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing and to promote cross-disciplinary research on karst systems, in the framework of the OZCAR Critical Zone network Research Infrastructure. Data consist in 20 time series on 8 station(s). The measured parameters are: Air relative humidity (%), Air temperature (°C), Atmospheric pressure (cm), Atmospheric pressure (mbar), Dew point temperature (°), Precipitation amount (mm), Wind direction (°), Wind speed (m/s). Measurements start on 22-09-2008 and end on 12-05-2022