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INSPIRE themes
Data from the 'Movement and population dynamics of griffon vultures in response to changes in rendering practices in the Causses' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Fire Geographic Information System' Observing Task, part of the Mediterranean forest ecosystem observatory (FORET) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Study and conservation of dung beetles in France' Observing Task, part of the Animal communities observatory (OCOA) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Active faults France' Observing Task, part of the Seismic hazard (ALEA) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Monitoring of reptiles and amphibians in the Mediterranean French' Observing Task, part of the Animal communities observatory (OCOA) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Albatrosses and pathogens in Subantarctic' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Biodiversity, structure and disturbance populations of southern french common trout (Salmo trutta)' Observing Task, part of the Population evolution observatory (EVOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'POLLUX stellar spectra database' (POLLUX): Stellar spectra database: very high resolution synthetic spectra of energy spectral distributions.. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO GSO Data Centre, SNO POLLUX.
Data from the 'Dispersion and operation of subdivided populations: Black-headed Gull model' Observing Task, part of the Population ecology observatory (ECOPOP) Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org).
Data from the 'Plant communities observatory' (OCOVE): Observation of plant and fungal communities: measurement of the environment (temperature, rain, minerals), individual monitoring, taxonomic identification, molecular data, etc.. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It consists in different observing tasks: Dynamics of plant in urban environment ; Forest recruitment and pastoralism ; Fungal communities ; Impact of tree hedges on air quality ; Orchids ; Vegetation dynamics and climate.