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INSPIRE themes
Data from the '3D surveys of karstic cavities' (KARST3D): The purpose of the Karst3D database is to help in the development of scientific studies requiring a better definition of the 3D structure of karst..
Data logger and Long base tiltmeter data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Portalerie site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France) and Les Infruts site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France) and Titou site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France).
Continuous superconducting relative gravimeter data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Jasse site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France).
CTD and Piezometer data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Jasse site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France).
Data from the 'Larzac observatory' (GEK): Study of the spatio-temporal variations of the water stock in karst environments (Larzac): temperature, water flow, gravimetry, GPS, inclinometry, water vapor, CO2 flow, .... This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the framework of SNO H+.
Flux tower data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Jasse site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France).
Long base tiltmeter data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas-Bruit site (RUSTREL, VAUCLUSE, France).
Pluviometry data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Blaquererie site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France) and La Jasse site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France) and La Salvetat site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France).
Flowrate data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Bise site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France) and Les Baumelles site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France) and Les Canalettes site (NANT, AVEYRON, France) and Titou site (LA COUVERTOIRADE, AVEYRON, France).
Rain gauge data from the Larzac observatory (SO GEK) hosted by the Mediterranean Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, http://www.oreme.org) and the National hydrogeological sites network (SNO H+, http://hplus.ore.fr/). Data are measured on La Jasse site (L'HOSPITALET-DU-LARZAC, AVEYRON, France).